Your Genes and Your Lifestyle (February 12th-live class)
WebinarWe will review how lifestyle behaviors and your genetics intersect and learn actionable ways to optimize your health. Genes of focus: Apolipoprotein E, Haptoglobin, 9P21 "the heart attack gene", and 4Q25.
Gluten Free Eating Class (January 23rd-live class)
WebinarJoin Monika Jacobson, RDN, to learn key strategies for eating gluten-free, cooking without gluten at home and travel/ restaurant tips for on-the-go. This class will leave you feeling equipped to shift to a more gluten-free lifestyle.
Optimizing Gut Health (January 29th-live class)
WebinarJoin Monika Jacobson, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, to review the hot topic of...gut health! Let’s talk digestion, the gut microbiome, the gut-brain axis, and lifestyle strategies to improve your gut health.
Navigating Menopause (February 6th-live class)
WebinarLet‘s talk about women‘s hormonal changes in midlife and lifestyle strategies to help you (or your partners) thrive in midlife and beyond.